To solve the issue of investing time and money but only getting short term results, you must bridge the gap between knowing and doing. Getting Results Faster builds the bridge by using the science of brain and mind research. To paraphrase an often quoted saying: If you keep doing what you are doing and keep getting the same results, then do something different.

Trying Harder Isn't Enough

"We doubt that a well-intentioned, just-try-harder approach will fundamentally improve the quality of executives' decision making... training must be broadened to include what is now known about how our minds work and must expose managers directly to the unconscious mechanisms that underlie biased decision making."

-Banaji, Bazerman & Chugh. Harvard Business Review, December 2003

Business experts agree that in order to be more competitive and profitable in today's world marketplace, corporations need to shift their culture. The key to shifting the corporate culture successfully is the ability to shift personal mindsets… to transform personal beliefs, attitudes and values.

"In a very real sense there is no such thing as organizational behavior. There is only individual behavior. Everything else flows out of that."

- Stephen Covey, Principle Centered Leadership

Real Change for Results

"Although studies have shown that real change can result from training, most of the time the change doesn't seem to be sustained, which is why it is often called the honeymoon effect. Considering the more than $60 billion dollars spent in North America alone on training, this is a sobering observation."

- Daniel Goleman, Primal Leadership

Changing individual behavior is similar to rewriting the software of a personal computer. Just as you are able to change the printout of a computer by changing the software, you can change personal behavior by changing beliefs. Our beliefs determine our actions and our actions determine our results! By changing beliefs you get results faster.

What is the technology of Getting Results Faster and how does it work?

PER-K™ (Performance Kinesiology™) is a proven process that can dramatically increase personal effectiveness and professional success. PER-K is a unique blend of various tools for change, drawing on years of scientific research in brain dominance theory, and utilizing principles from the emerging field of "mind/body psychology." It is an easy and effective way to change self-defeating habits and behaviors by changing the self-sabotaging beliefs that drive them. Put another way, PER-K is a user-friendly way to rewrite the software of your mind in order to change the printout of your performance!

Every experience, previous action, and learned knowledge impact and create our perceptions and mental models

These conclusions (i.e. beliefs, attitudes, values, etc. ) are stored in the subconscious mind. So, while we may be mostly unaware of their influence on us, they “direct” our observable actions and behaviors. These subconscious beliefs create the perceptual filters through which we respond to life’s challenges. They form the basis for our actions and reactions to each situation in our lives. The ability to perform effectively, both personally and professionally, is profoundly affected by such beliefs as “I am competent”, “I am powerful”, or “I am safe.” With beliefs like these, you can undertake challenging projects with confidence and stay focused on the task at hand. But, if you have beliefs like, “I don’t really trust myself to do a good job” or “How things turn out is not really in my control,” you will proceed hesitantly, fearing mistakes, criticism, and failure.

Some other common, “limiting” beliefs are:

“No matter what I do or how hard I try, it’s never good enough.”
“The decisions I make usually turn out wrong.”
“If people knew the ‘real’ me they wouldn’t like me.”
“I blame others (my boss, co-workers, my spouse etc.) for my problems.”
“I shouldn’t try anything new or risky because I’ll probably screw it up anyway.”
“I can’t trust people to support me. All they really care about is themselves.”
“My opinion doesn’t really matter.”
“What I do isn’t really important.”
“It’s not safe to ask others to help me because I can’t trust them to do the job right.

Consider the results obtained from these beliefs (impacting your results?)…

Self-Defeating Self-Empowering
I usually don't give my opinion around others because I'm afraid they'll think I am foolish. I express my opinions naturally, with confidence and clarity.
I am reluctant to criticize others because it will hurt their feelings and just make things worse. I communicate criticism in a fair and empathetic way.
If I try to close the sale, the customer will probably say "no." Each time I offer the customer an opportunity to buy, I create a win/win situation.
I put things off until the last minute because I work better under stress. I work in a steady and relaxed way and I still get things done on time.
I have to protect my ideas because others will take credit for them. I willingly share my ideas and experience a team win as a personal win.
I avoid making decisions because I'm afraid of making mistakes. I trust my ability to make decisions, and I take responsibility for my results.
If things change, they'll probably just get worse. I look forward to change as a way to make things better.

Rewire the Brain

Beliefs establish the limits of what we can achieve, or as Henry Ford once said, “If you believe you can or if you believe you can’’re right!” This is especially true when the beliefs are subconscious. Most of us agree, and behavioral scientists confirm, that our behaviors are a direct reflection of our beliefs, perceptions and values, generated from past experiences. However, the difficulty seems to be in knowing how to change old negative beliefs, perceptions and values into new positive ones. With so much at stake, it is imperative that we know how to change self-sabotaging beliefs that are limiting us into beliefs that support us.

The good news is that there is a dynamic and proven program for accessing the subconscious mind in a way similar to the storage memory in a personal computer. PER-K works like a "mental keyboard" – a user-friendly method of communicating with the subconscious mind that is simple, direct and verifiable. It increases “cross-talk” between the two brain hemispheres, thereby achieving a more “whole-brained” state, which is ideal for changing subconscious beliefs. In addition, when right and left hemispheres are in simultaneous communication, the qualities and characteristics of both hemispheres are available to maximize your full response potential.

This method of communication enables you to identify the underlying, limiting beliefs and then "edit" and "update" them, so they align with the principles and philosophies that produce lasting successful behaviors, actions and results. The latest brain research proves the brain is capable of new learning and growth throughout life. So you do have the option to rewire your brain to achieve greater success and to establish whole brain thinking.

PER-K helps you communicate directly with the subconscious mind, so, you can change old beliefs that sabotage you into new positive ones that support you, quickly and easily. Like many effective innovations in the world, PER-K was the result of a “blinding flash of the obvious” generated by years of research and thousands of sessions with individuals and groups.

For information about the originator of PER-K, click here.

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